(#3) Ye Yankee Peddler!!!


Ye Yankee Peddler was made in 1888 by the Parker Brothers, for more information about them check out one of my earlier posts.  The reason why I want to write about this game is because of the time period of when it was made. It was made at the perfect time. After the Civil war ended in 1865 America entered a period called reconstruction.  Reconstruction is a time period where the government had to do a lot of things to fix America after the Civil War and after the slaves were freed.  Up above you will see an image with a total game description from Board Game Geek. 

The reason why this game is so important to the time because it talks about a new age of farming and how people have to now bid and compete for crops.  Now with slaves gone by 1888 not everyone can grow everything they want. Farmers just like in this game need to now be strategic in picking which crops they want.  This game also really speaks to what people were interested back then and what people really wanted to simulate doing. This was a time period before the industrial revolution. This is before all the big machines. People were still into farming and growing crops. The intended audience for this game was for children. It was a way for children to see how trading and crop management worked at a age. It is also one of the last major crop management games until 1995 and Settlers of Catan which I will do its own post about.


“Ye Peculiar Game of Ye Yankee Peddler.” BoardGameGeek, boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/214203/ye-peculiar-game-ye-yankee-peddler.


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