(#8) Chess Champion turns game maker!!!



            Going from Sorry to Lasca, you’re probably thinking what the hell is Lasca and why will people care about this. The reason I want to write about this game is because of whom it was created by. World Chess Champion, Emmanuel Lasker in 1911, created Lasca. The game Lasca comes from the American game of Checkers and the Russian game of Bashni also known as Towers. Now lets talk a little about how you play the game. The game is played on a 7×7 board; as with Checkers and most games like this, play takes place on only certain squares, only 25 of the 49 squares on the game board are actually being used. The playing pieces are known initially as soldiers; when they reach the last row of the board, they become officers, with the same ability as kings in Checkers to move and jump backwards. The game continues until either a player can’t move or a player has no pieces remaining on the board. In both cases, this player loses the game.

So that’s the basic logistics of the game, now lets get into why this game is so amazing, this game was made by a professional gamer at the time you did not see this that often back then. The Parker Brothers did not play games for a living; they were considered businessmen at the time. This guy was not your typical suit, as people would put it. He played chess for living. Now a days with EA sports playing games professionally is a lot more common and usually the best players in the world end up working for the gaming company that makes that specific game.




“Lasca.org.” Lascaorg, http://www.lasca.org/.