(#4) Battle of the Ivy Leagues!!!


Board games is in my top 5 favorite hobbies but other things on that list is sports and the fact that I get to talk about a sports board game makes me even more excited to talk about this next game. This next game is simply called the Yale – Harvard Game. Most people only know Yale and Harvard for being top Ivy League schools, which they are. But they also have a pretty big football rivalry as well. As the Parker Brothers are great at. They know how to make a game perfect for what is going on in the world at that time.

This game is about football, the game is played with a board this charted out to look like a football field and you use dice rolls to determine certain aspects of the game play. Up above the post there will be an image fully describing the game. You can also check out Board Game Geek. The first Yale v Harvard Football game took place on November 13th 1875, this game came out in 1894 about 20 years after their first meeting. At the time there was no real way to emulate sports for people who did not have the opportunity to play at the highest level. This game is for the fans who want to reenact the rivalry with their favorite team. Maybe there is a Harvard fan who does not like the fact that Yale leads the all time series 66-59-8 and they want to rewrite their own history. That is what these sports games can do.


“The Yale-Harvard Game.” BoardGameGeek, boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/14240/yale-harvard-game.